My teenager is trying to kill me...
That's my theory, anyway. What do you do with an 18yo who blows her paycheck on what I think is probably likker and maryjane? I am repeating the serenity prayer and trying hard not to KILL HER DAID. Not that I'm such a shining example of motherhood, mind you, but on the whole I'm not that bad. I am currently cooling my jets at my friend LULU'S house (Hi Lulu!) and wishing I could give the fruit of my loins a brain transplant. Oh wait, that was me that needed the transplant. Oh well.
I had a treatise on America and why the Tax System is Fatally Flawed, but the computer just ate it. Really. I think Big Brother's been peekin' at my blog again. Next year instead of mailing them a check, I'll just send a vial of my blood, since that's what they seem to want anyway.
Good Luck and God Bless to all who had to pay the Tax Man this year. I feel your pain. I really do.