
A view from my little corner of the world.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's not easy being MissNiceBitch

Nepotism. There's a word for you. Working women should be given Mandatory Hazard Pay - and a set of earplugs - if an employer has even one relative on the payroll. Oh the stories I could tell...

So just what IS a working girl to do, you ask? There are several options, ones that we've all heard about before. Options that pretty much guarantee you'll never work in your chosen field again in this lifetime. One would stand a better chance of learning to write code, blindfolded, before the above situations change around here.

I am counting the days until women are the major players in positions of authority in Corporate America. I just pray that we don't become Unholy Bitches to our sisters when we get there.

Ed.note: This blog has NOT been hijacked by a bra-burning man-hating Feminazi, although that might not be a bad idea after all.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hot damn she's back!

If you haven't been to the 930 Blues Club on Congress St. in Jackson, Mississippi, then you are truly missing out. I feel sorry for you, no really, I do. Last night was fantastic. We got our groove on to King Edward and The Band and then... AND THEN... Jackie Bell really rocked the house. She is such a tiny little thing, I wonder how she managed to hide Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, Patti LaBelle and friends inside her vocal cords? I'd ask her, but she'd probably cut me, so I ain't asking. YOU ask, when you get yourself over there for the best damn blues in central Mississippi.
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